Tel: 028 3839 1700
or: 028 3833 4672

looking for a new dental practice? new patients always welcome


É muito fácil registrar-se no Carleton Dental Practice. Tudo que você precisa fazer é entrar em contato com a recepção pelos telefones 028 3839 1700/028 3833 4672 ou enviar-nos um e-mail para para agendar uma consulta.

Sua primeira visita ao dentista como novo paciente pode causar ansiedade, mas nós compreendemos e é, por isso, que permitimos um bom tempo para conversar com você em sua primeira consulta. Você será atendido por um membro da nossa equipe da recepção que solicitará para você confirmar seus dados pessoais. Você pode baixar um formulário do histórico médico aqui e trazê-lo consigo.

medical history form here

Traga-nos, por favor, uma lista dos medicamentos que você está fazendo uso atualmente.

Oferecemos aos pacientes tratamento pelo Sistema Nacional de Saúde ou particular ou ainda você pode aderir ao Carleton Maintenance Plan. Cremos que o nosso plano fornece a melhor oportunidade de manter a saúde bucal e reduzir a necessidade de tratamento. Isso também possibilita aos pacientes elaborar o orçamento do seu tratamento dentário rotineiro. Se você optar pelo tratamento através do Sistema Nacional de Saúde, traga o seu Número de Sáude e Assistência (Health & Care Number) e comprovação de isenção de taxas odontológicas, se for o caso.

Na sua primeira consulta, o seu dentista discutirá suas necessidades e questões dentárias pessoais antes de efetuar um exame.

O dentista verificará:

  • Cáries e fraturas em seus dentes e se você está feliz com a aparência deles.
  • Suas gengivas, para garantir que seus dentes tenham uma base sólida e sadia.
  • Sua língua, bochechas e palato para identificar sinais prematuros de câncer ou outra patologia.
  • Você pode ter realizado exames radiológicos, que auxiliarão no diagnóstico e então poderá discutir as conclusões e opções de tratamento disponíveis.

Nesse momento, um orçamento será discutido juntamente com as opções de pagamento. Vamos informar-lhe também quanto tempo o tratamento possivelmente durará.

Abrimos de segundas às sextas-feiras, das 09:00 às 17:30, às quartas-feiras até às 20:00 e aos sábados mediante agendamento prévio.

Tenho direito a um tratamento dentário do NHS?
Pode encontrar mais informações sobre o tratamento dentário gratuito do NHS no website NHS aqui.


47 Carleton Street, Portadown
Co Armagh, BT62 3EP


028 3839 1700
or 028 3833 4672


Are you accepting new patients?

Yes, new patients are always made very welcome at the practice. We aim to offer you an appointment as soon as possible after you call.

Where is your dental practice?

We are located on Carleton Street, just off Market Street in Portadown. Click here for a map and directions on how to reach us.

How do I register with you?

Simply call us and we will make an appointment for you to come in and be seen by a dentist. There is no need to contact your previous dentist.

When are you open?

Monday - Thursday 9.00am to 5.30pm

Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm

How can I pay my bill?

You can either pay by cash, credit/debit card or cheque.

Is there car parking near the practice?

Car parking is available both on street and at the nearby William Street Car Park.

How do I book an appointment?

​Please telephone reception on 3839 1700/3833 4672 to arrange an appointment. Alternatively you can email or call into the practice and we will book a time that is convenient for you. We will send you a reminder by text or email before your appointment. If you need to cancel or change an appointment please give us as much notice as possible, at least 24 hours.

I'm really scared of the dentist. Can you help me?

Many people feel a bit nervous at the thought of seeing the dentist, particularly a new dentist. ​This fear or phobia can be so severe that it will stop people coming to see us unless they are in really severe pain. It could be that you've had a bad experience as a child and the smells and sounds in the surgery bring those memories back. Sometimes your fear is very specific, for example, being frightened by needles or the sound of a drill. Whatever your problem is we can help!

​The first thing to do is make an appointment and tell us you are nervous. You will find us sympathetic and friendly. We will listen to you and will do everything we can to help. The dentist will use anaesthetic cream to numb your gum before an injection. We go at your pace and we do treatment in short bursts. You mustn't feel worried about telling us to stop if you've had enough.

If you haven't been to the dentist in a long time you may be really worried about how much treatment you need. Most of the time it is nowhere near as bad as you imagine. The biggest thing is picking up the phone and making the appointment!

What do I do if I have a dental emergency and need urgent help?

​Please telephone the practice on 028 3839 1700/3833 4672 and speak to reception. If you phone early a dentist will be able to see you that same day.

​If the practice is closed and you cannot wait until opening time, please contact the Out of Hours Emergency Dental Clinic at Craigavon Area Hospital. It operates at the Emergency Department at Craigavon Area Hospital, 68 Lurgan Road, Portadown BT63 5QQ. The Clinic is open Monday-Sunday 7-9pm; plus Saturday-Sunday 10am-12noon. There are additional morning clinics on some bank holidays- please check with the Emergency Department Reception on 028 3861 2292 or 028 3861 2006.

Are dental X-rays dangerous?

The amount of radiation received from a dental x-ray is extremely small. Radiation is present all around us all the time. You get about the same amount of radiation from having two dental x-rays as you do travelling on a flight to Spain. We take your safety and ours very seriously. The Practice uses Digital X-rays which further reduces the amount of radiation and the images are easily shared with colleagues, thus avoiding further exposure.

We use x-rays to take radiographs which give us much MORE information about your teeth and mouth than we can see just by looking. It can show us decay in between the teeth or under old fillings which, if treated early, is much easier and less expensive than waiting until the problem becomes obvious. They can show us the position of second teeth and what your wisdom teeth roots are like. We usually take radiographs every 2 years as part of your regular check-up or if we are treating specific teeth.

I’m moving away to another area but I want to keep seeing my usual dentist. Is this possible?
Yes, you can still see your usual dentist. Please keep your contact details at the practice up to date letting us know of any changes to your address and telephone numbers as soon as possible.
I work full time, can I still be treated under the NHS?

​Yes, all UK residents who have registered with a Doctor are entitled to NHS treatment. If you work and are not in receipt of any benefits, you will be required to pay the NHS fees as set out by the government.

Am I entitled to free NHS dental treatment?

You can find out more information on free NHS dental treatment on the NHS website here.

What age should children start attending the dentist?

It would benefit children if you could start bringing them along with you at your dental check-ups to familiarise them with the practice, then to book an appointment when they are two years old.

Do you have a Dental Care Plan?

Yes we do. The Carleton Maintenance Plan is designed to encourage regular attendance with the bonus of reduced fees for treatments. Click here for MORE information.

Where is your practice?

​We are located at 47 Carleton Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh BT62 3EP. Click here for a map and directions on how to reach us.

Do you charge if I miss or cancel an appointment?

Please be aware that if you cancel an appointment at short notice or fail to attend without good reason, a fee of £25 will be charged.

I think I have broken a piece of a filling in my tooth-What should I do?

Unfortunately sometimes fillings for whatever reason may fall out or become chipped or broken.  There are many reasons for this including biting down suddenly on something hard such as a hard boiled sweet. Symptoms can vary from none at all to sensitivity to hot and cold or tenderness on chewing. A lost filling will always feel much bigger to the tongue.

It is important to make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. However if you cannot immediately access a dentist here are some helpful tips.

  • If you are having sensitivity or pain on biting, try avoiding eating or drinking in that area.
  • Toothpaste can help with the sensitivity by rubbing some fluoride toothpaste on the tooth in question.
  • Finally use over-the-counter painkillers from a chemist if it is constantly painful until you contact the dentist.  Don’t place any pain-killing tablets on the site of the tooth or its gum as this can cause burns to the gum.

My dentist told me I need Root Canal Treatment. What does this mean?

​Root Canal Treatment is needed when the nerve in the tooth dies and becomes infected. This leads to pain and an abscess if left untreated.

​The procedure can be quite a relief if you've been in pain beforehand! The dentist uses small precision files to clean out the space in the middle of the tooth that contains the nerve. The space is then sealed with a rubbery material. This allows a tooth to be kept that would otherwise have to be extracted.

I tend to suffer from mouth ulcers-how can these be treated?

Mouth ulcers are a common ailment of the mouth. Most people will experience them at some stage during their life.

    The main causes of mouth ulcers are:
  • Chipped or broken fillings rubbing against e.g. the tongue
  • Poor diet
  • Stress or even a change in the weather
  • Vitamin or mineral deficiencies

Simple, small ulcers will usually heal within 7 days. However if you are having recurrent or longer lasting ulcers you should consult your dentist. The use of warm salty water or a mouth rinse can help with the discomfort. Similarly obtaining some medicated pastilles from the chemist may be useful.

Try to avoid spicy or acidic foods or locally applied aspirin as they may aggravate the ulcers.

What can I do if I'm unhappy with my treatment either in or out of the surgery?
​​We are very proud of the care we provide and we know that most of our patients most of the time are very happy. However, sometimes despite our best efforts, we do get it wrong.

​We promise we will always do whatever we can to put it right. We genuinely believe a negative comment gives us an opportunity to improve not only our service, but also our relationship with you. So if you are unhappy please tell us.

​There are several things you can do. If it is something small please let our receptionists Naomi or Gemma know. If it is something clinical ​it’s best to speak to your dentist. ​If you are uncomfortable speaking to your dentist or our reception team, you can ask to speak directly to Ms Sharon Carroll who is our Practice Manager.

​Alternatively you could write, email or telephone. Please be assured we take your feedback very seriously and it will be acted on ... quickly.

​If you are complaining on behalf of someone else we have to know that you have their permission to do so (unless they are a child under 16).


Carleton Dental Practice
47 Carleton Street
Co Armagh
BT62 3EP

Tel:028 3839 1700 or: 028 3833 4672


Website by: Pink Inc